Corporate Sponsorships
Commit to the growth and prosperity of the town of Walpole by sponsoring the Walpole Chamber of Commerce and our events and initiatives.
Community Sponsor
Potential customers will easily find you by category and business name
Access to update your listing, including links to your website and socials
Include current offers and promotions in your listing
Get recommended on your directory listing by people you do business with
Renew membership and register for programs and events through your portal
2 tickets for free entry to all Chamber-sponsored events
Monthly and quarterly networking events
Business-building workshops and presentations
Annual events (kick-off party, holiday celebration, year-end event, and more!)
Ribbon Cutting networking event at your business when you join the Chamber
Opportunity to hold a networking open house promoted by the Chamber at your business each year of sponsorship
Professional photography of Chamber-sponsored events at your business
Your other business and community events included on the Chamber’s website list of upcoming events
Open access to post offers and events on the Chamber’s Facebook page (followed by over 4,000 people)
Shout-outs and referrals for your business to potential customers on social media
Your business and community events promoted by the Chamber on Social Media
Your business advertised on a streetlight banner in Downtown Walpole for a full year
Priority consideration to present a topic at a Chamber workshop demonstrating your business expertise
Free vendor table to represent your business at applicable events
Sponsorship recognition on the Chamber website
Sponsorship recognition at all Chamber-sponsored events
Your business logo listed on the Chamber’s social media banner
Scholarship Sponsor
See Community Sponsor benefits above
Premier placement recognition at all Chamber events
Co-branded annual special event
Opportunity to speak at Ribbon Cutting and Open House events
$1,000 Scholarship in Sponsor’s name awarded to a Walpole Student